GV Drama Teachers
Tom Faeron (1994-1998)
Cheley Price (1998-2012)

Matt Thomas (2012-Present)
Matt attended Merced High School and participated in shows at the GV Theatre between Fall 1997-Spring 2001. At that time, the drama departments of GV and MHS collaborated at least twice a year to produce shows under the name of MAGIC Productions. Matt worked with both Mr. Faeron and Mrs. Price, and is very excited to be the current GV drama teacher and continue the tradition of excellence.
Matt attended Merced High School and participated in shows at the GV Theatre between Fall 1997-Spring 2001. At that time, the drama departments of GV and MHS collaborated at least twice a year to produce shows under the name of MAGIC Productions. Matt worked with both Mr. Faeron and Mrs. Price, and is very excited to be the current GV drama teacher and continue the tradition of excellence.
Previous Years
- Starmites
- Warrior's Husband
- Guys & Dolls
- Diary of Anne Frank
- Many Moons
- Piece of My Heart
- Secret Garden
- Scarlet Letter
- Quilters
- Cinderella
- Charlie's Aunt
- Godspell
- Amadeus