A Christmas Adventure
The Music Man tells the story of Harold Hill, a thief who disguises himself as a traveling salesman. His plan is simple: Convince the people that he is going to create a marching band in the town, collect all of the money for uniforms and instruments, and leave before anyone realizes that he knows nothing about music. When Hill finds himself in the small town of River City, Iowa, he soon realizes that the combination of Iowa stubbornness and the allure of the town librarian (Marian) may be the downfall of his plan.
This is the second collaboration between the GV Drama Department and the GV Music Department. The Music Man will feature more than 50 of GV's most talented actors, singers, and dancers. In the orchestra pit will be some of GV's most talented musicians. This will be a gigantic show, showcasing a variety of talent from all over the campus. The creative staff for this production includes Mr. Thomas (Director), Mr. Vasquez (Orchestra Director), Mr. Reed (Musical Director), Mrs. Gong (Choreographer), and Mr. Worden (Co-Choreographer and Costumer). |
Meredith Willson's The Music Man